
Great Looking Eyeglasses at Lower Prices

Despite the recent spate of bad news about the world economy, the holidays remain to be a bright spot for many. Albeit on a more limited budget. And, wonders of wonders, even eyeglass frames reflect that spirit!

Eyeglasses, which were long despised as making a person look nerdy and ugly, now are a great fashion accessory. Sarah Palin, while she was running for Vice President, actually raised demand for rimless eyeglasses similar to what she wore. But the reality of tightened belts mean, for many, that they could not spend as much for themselves, so they would just have to choose between practicality and style...And style just has to suffer. But with a good eye for bargains, you can actually have BOTH.

Holiday frames from Zenni Optical, are both stylish and practical, not to mention in time for the holiday merrymakers. They satisfy your need for better vision, your craving for better, more fashion forward accessories at a price that you would not balk at -- just right for these hard times.

2273 Plastic Full-Rim Frame with Sparkling Crystals
Just look at these frames! They'd look good when you're out till midnight tonight, welcoming 2009 with a big bang! And with clear vision, you'd enjoy the New Year countdown spectacle even more! They'd still look good while you're still out afterwards, partying!

I'm Looking Forward To....

The Year 2008 is almost over. While it has its ups and downs, I am grateful that, personally, it does not have any small personal tragedies, unlike, in the previous years, and for that I am happy.

I am looking forward to the following....

  • The birth of my second child!
  • Trying to expand my online business (how-I'm still trying to figure out)
  • Letting Ethan apply to big schools (jitters!)
  • Expanding our practice? ( I certainly hope so...)
  • Investing while the economy is down (I hope we have the extra funds to do so....)
Here's hoping that 2009 will be a better year!


My husband's eighteen year old niece is a big anime fan. While I do like some of the animes being shown, I do admit that not all of them are to my taste.

What is anime, anyway? Well, for those not already in the know, it's simply "Japanese animation". The characters generally have similar characteristics of big eyes and multicolored hair, although some artists have veered away from this formula. This class of animation is very much different from the usual Western style animation.

When I was younger, there was Voltes V, Mazinger Z et al on the boob tube before Marcos cancelled all of those shows, claiming that these shows were too violent for their target audiences. They were later replaced by tamer Japanese cartoons like Candy Candy, Ron Ron the Flower Angel, Nobody's Child etc. I'm not sure if the former robot shows were also classified as anime, but the replacements definitely were, although we didn't know it at the time. We only knew that they made for entertaining television fare just before the news came on and and we were supposed to work on our homework.

I've learned that there's actually a big following of anime. There's even an Anime Chat online for such fans. Maybe I should tell my husband's niece about this. I'm sure she'll enjoy herself with such like-minded individuals.

The Wrapping Paper Test

I know I've been remiss in updating this blog and my other blogs. I've been quite busy (not to mention often dizzy with my first trimester blues). I'll probably be more participative after the holidays are over. For now, let me just share with you the results of the quiz I took.

You Are Peaceful and Appreciative

You approach the holidays with harmony and thoughtfulness.

You realize the holidays can be a hard time for some people, and you're there to lend your support.

Not only do you enjoy giving during the holidays, you enjoy receiving greetings, love, and gifts.

You graciously appreciate every holiday gesture made in your honor.

Of all the types, you are the most likely to give a gift that's meaningful for you and the recipient.

You're also the most likely to hand deliver as many of your gifts as possible.

To Get Or Not To Get Another Nanny

Now that I'm having another baby, I'm contemplating on whether I should get another yaya (nanny) for my newborn this coming June. I'm lucky that it's relatively easy and inexpensive to hire a nanny here in the Philippines. I'm in awe of mothers who can juggle a demanding career and still be able to care for their kids! For a working mom like me, having a nanny makes life much easier, as my 3 year old demands a lot of attention that I may not be able to give him while I'm working.

Another nanny might be able to help me with my newborn, but then maybe the one nanny that I have right now may be adequate already. She's not perfect, but then nobody is. At least she takes good care of my kid, is patient with him, does not ask for cash loans too often, and does not take too many days off. I'll be on maternity leave for at least 2 months anyway, so the first month is probably not that crucial, as I'll be home most of the time. I'll be doing most of the work anyway, the feeding (since I will breastfeed again, so no bottles to clean in the meantime), the bathing, the diaper changing and all.

The problem is when I have to go back to work. Good thing it's also class opening by then, so my eldest will be in school for the morning.

Guess I'll have to play it by ear and see how it goes.

Holiday Money Musings...

For a self-employed private practitioner like me, December is a time when cash is tight compared to the rest of the year. You see, we don't have regular salaries like the employees. Our income is dependent upon how many patients we see. At this time of the year, our census is usually the lowest in the year. I'm thankful that it's a bit better this year compared to the previous years, though. We also do not get 13th month pay (since we don't have an employer) unlike employees who enjoy that cash windfall at this time of the year (and if they're lucky and their company is extra generous, they even get 14th and 15th month pays! Also the spending is high, since we have to pay our staff (both office and household) their 13th month pay, buy gifts for family, inaanaks (godchildren) and our clinic staff.

But, I've always counted my blessings. So far, our earning have been enough for our needs, mainly because we have always not spent beyond our means. For emergencies, we have people to turn to, like our parents, who would not hesitate to lend us money we need. If all else fails, there are fast cash payday loans which we may be able to avail of in times of extreme emergency.

Nothing to complain about, really. As long as we're doing our best for ourselves, our kids, our family, our patients, we'll be fine. :)

Rock and Roll Survey

I love the 80's music because it was "my time" -- meaning I was in high school and college during that decade. As I grew older I also found that a liking for the music of the older generations -- the standards that are often used in weddings, the 50s, 60s and 70s music. I have to confess that I just do not "get" today's music at all, except for a few select ones. I must be getting old. :P