I was one of the mommy bloggers to be invited to Johnson and Johnson Bedtime Discoveries last January 30, 2010. This event was hosted by celebrity mom, Tintin Bersola-Babao, who looked so radiant even when she was obviously about to pop! (She was scheduled for a Cesarean section the following day, due to placenta previa totalis.)
Here are some photos from the lecture proper:
Sleep is important. More so for babies because it is during sleep that there is a surge of growth hormone production.
To ensure that babies (and parents too) get a good night's sleep, the following routine is suggested, as demonstrated by expert midwives:
First, a warm bath or punas.
Then, a massage to help baby relax. The I love you massage (for the chest and abdomen) and "milking" massage (for the arms and legs) were demonstrated.
Lastly, some quiet time for baby to drift off to sleep. You could read to your baby, or cuddle with him/her, or simply just share the moment.
Johnson and Johnson has a complete line of products -- soap, baby wash, baby lotion, baby oil and baby powder-- that are especially made to help babies sleep better. You can use them for these 3 steps.
While I am no longer a newbie mom as I have 2 kids and have been hands-on with them, I still pick up something new in this lecture. Truly, the learning process never ends, especially for parents. I especially like the Q&A portion where moms were given the chance to ask questions (some of which I never thought to ask....or are too shy to ask!)
J&J also introduced their microsite: http://www.babycenter.com.ph/bedtime
. You may want to check it out. It contains some helpful information and tips about sleep in babies. There's also a sleep profiler, which I found really interesting. There's also a mommy corner where other moms share their experiences regarding their children's sleep. Oh, and you may also want to check out http://parentin.tv, the first Philippine online parenting show, hosted by Ms Tintin Bersola.
Parents nowadays are luckier, as we now have access to more knowledge and have more resources on hand, and can network and share tips with other parents.
See, I dunno. Those products never really worked for me because my kids LOVE baths. and bath time is PLAY TIME for them, apparently. But I have heard of friends that do think that the bedtime products truly helped them out. Maybe I'll try them again on my third child. Every baby is different.
thank you for coming, mommy!
we hope to see you in the next events.
Yes, every baby is different but I believe that these products generally help for the babies on our family. We had babies at almost the same time. my sister and my cousin.
Thanks for sharing the tips. Hoping for more baby sleep tips as we would want to sleep more soundly at night too.
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